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Quick Overview
Vulcan Cut-Ring® Head Gaskets
MLS Spartan™ Head Gaskets
Superior Copper Gaskets: Pro-Copper® / Titan® / ICS®
Graph-Form™ Exhaust Gaskets
SBBK™ - Short Block Base Kits
Choosing Your Head Gasket
CompProd Garage Talks
NEW MLS GS Gasket and Vulcan Cut Ring Head Gaskets
Gasket Material and Surface Roughness—and How they Relate
Part Number Guide
SCE head gasket part numbers tell you the gasket type, engine family, bore opening and thickness.
- Style Code determines the type: CR=Vulcan Cut-Ring, M=MLS Spartan, P=Pro-Copper, S=ICS, T=Titan, 5=Accu-Seal Pro
- Engine Code: 2 digits. (There are over 50 engine families.) Searching within the website or catalog by engine will provide this information.
- Bore: 1st & 2nd decimal places of the Bore opening measurement. The whole number (left of the decimal) is assumed to be known.
- Thickness, 2 digits: 21=.021″, 32=.032″, 43=.043″, 51=.051″, 62=.062″, 72=.072″, 80=.080″, 93=.093″
The legend below illustrates the SCE head gasket part numbering logic using sample part number P135243.

Unit Terminology Guide
Each = 1 unit of sale • Ea. ea.
Piece = A single part piece • Pc. Pcs. pc. pcs.
Set = Multiple pieces, 1 part number
Examples: Intake, Exhaust Header/Collector, Oil Pan, Valve Cover, Timing Cover, & Front Cover Gasket Sets.
Kit = Packaged as a “kit”, has its own part number, but contains multiple sets. Examples: SBBK™ & other engine gasket kits.
Dyno-Pak™ = 10 sets • “-10” suffix
Hundred-Pak™ = 100 sets • “B” suffix
Master-Pak™ = 12 pc. (Athesil) • “-12” suffix
Race Use Only Disclaimer
Find out where warranty applies at the “Conditions of sale” section.
Due to the particular operational and environmental conditions under which the “Race Use Only” Products operate during competitions, such Products may be subject to use under extreme conditions, which may exceed the project limits and control as set by Athena USA, Inc.. Athena USA, Inc. shall not have any liability whatsoever in connection with the use of the “Race Use Only” Products under extreme conditions during the competitions, nor shall any “Product liability” apply in such case.
Therefore “Race Use Only” Products are excluded from any form of guarantee.
The “Race Use Only” Products are designed and manufactured for competitive-sporting use. Therefore, the “Race Use Only” Products shall not be used on public roads. Athena USA, Inc. shall not have any liability whatsoever in connection with the use of the “Race Use Only” Products in violation of such limits. Any alteration of or tampering with the “Race Use Only” Products may endanger their safety.
Athena USA, Inc. shall not have any liability whatsoever in connection with Client’s failure to comply with the instructions given by Athena USA, Inc. and/or in connection with their inappropriate and/or incorrect installation on vehicles and/or with the lack of or incorrect maintenance of such Products, nor shall any “Product liability” apply in such cases.
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